Judgement’s Beating Drum (A Song)
These are the lyrics to a song that I wrote that describes my experience growing up in a household and church culture that were both spiritually abusive. The teachings were influenced by Focus On The Family, Vision Forum, Michael and Debi Pearl, and others who were connected and/or similar to those organizations and people. Like a lot of children, I simply accepted what I was taught as truth and did not question it until I was an adult. This song is my reflection on what it felt like to be manipulated through fear into submitting to God and my parents, and buying in, to the point that I was put on a pedestal as a young person who was “doing everything right.” I am grateful to say that I did get out of those harmful systems at 21, but the grief is still very present at 25, and the process of learning new ways to cope with the ingrained fears is ongoing. As a musician, I use songwriting as a way of processing the memories and grief.
There I Was
Rocking back and forth
To the rhythm of judgement’s beating drum
Knees pressed to the floor
Tears fell and just kept on falling
There I was, just ten years old
Begging mercy for my soul
Quaking at eternal flame
Desperate for a spotless name
Stories just like mine
Were the ones that the people loved to hear
Almost overnight
I became all that they wanted
There I was, a poster child
Told how I should speak and smile
Mind and body not my own
And a future set in stone
And it all just kept on tightening
A house with all the windows and doors disappearing
A chest with all the breath taken away
The water rising
On a beach with no one near me to say that it’s coming And all I did was pray
There I was, there I was
Faithful to a fault and no one cared I was
There I was, there I was
The answer to so many hopes of theirs I was
Rocking back and forth
To the rhythm of judgement’s beating drum Knees pressed to the floor
Tears fell and just keep on falling
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