Too Little Too Late (Poem)
I touched her arm with tenderness
in order to say “I see you”
but still, I inquired
confusion perched in the pulpit
of my perspective
for the Elder vote was “in”—
Permission for the Voice
of Women given—
I thought it should have been
the end of the story—
a celebration—
a success—
a win—
a well-worn victory
of libatious liberation
But I was naÏve; I didn’t know.
Her path
Her work
Her fight
or the numerous
respectful requests repetitively
uttered by silenced women
sitting in pacified pews
Generations of Thelmas
had obediently beseeched
the rigid rocks
of revered human robots
let Us pray aloud
let Us choose a song
let Us share from our hearts
with our own tongues
without first timidly touching the arm
for the words only to be spoken
from a father
a brother
a husband
a son…
a man
Thelma graciously and tearfully responded
to my ignorant inquiry—
Today’s victory
should have been
could have been
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Cathren (Cat) Cougill is making sense of her life and how she sees the world through writing, reading and loving others. She has moved domestically and internationally 17 times in nearly 36 years of marriage and now resides in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband, Scott. All four of her adult children are finding their paths and Cathren has the privilege of occasionally spending time with them since they are spread out across the USA. Find her at, on Instagram and on Facebook.