Supporting survivors of Spiritual Abuse and Religious Trauma
“The Uncertain podcast, Tears of Eden, RetreatCon2023 and all of Katherine’s work over the last years add up to a lot more than the sum of its parts. High impact. High integrity. It is one of the most solid, balanced and informed organizations that I know of in this field. I am cheering them on to continue strong and bold in their very effective endeavor of supporting and bringing hope to religious abuse survivors.”
— Connie A Baker MA, LPC
Author of Traumatized by Religious Abuse: Courage, Hope and Freedom for Survivors
“I recently found your podcast Uncertain, and it has brought me so much healing and strength. I feel seen and heard just by listening to these conversations and for the first time in a long time I feel some clarity about the church and a renewed sense of hope after experiencing spiritual abuse. Thank you, and please keep doing this great work!”
— Stacey, Illinois
“Tears of Eden and The Uncertain Podcast is a voice desperately needed in the church and Christianity. The Uncertain Podcast has helped me feel less alone in the wake of my own church wounds and has served as a resource for me in the healing of my childhood trauma - as abuse in all forms can be intertwined. I am thankful for the voice and safe spaces Tears of Eden provides survivors and support their work wholeheartedly.”
— Sarah Yaw, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach (CTRC)
Abuse Survivor & Advocate
What listeners are saying…
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“As a white male leader in church ministry, the stories that you are bringing to light are extremely helpful for me to hear. I am wondering if and when I failed to use my positions in leadership to create cultures that foster safety and openness for those who have and are experiencing abuse...God is using you guys for redemptive purposes.”
— Jeff Porter St. Andrews, Scotland
“I think it's so good that you're doing this. I'm even taking notes on practical ways to do a better job showing love to people based on what I'm learning here.”
— Carley Favero, Washington, D.C.
“Your messages have resonated with me. I have been compelled to reflect on my potential participation in Spiritual Abuse, whether as victim or perpetrator. As a recently installed Ruling Elder, I am wary of the potential for harm, intentional or otherwise, and fervently desire not to perpetuate that cycle as I begin to serve in my role.”
— Anonymous