This Week’s Book Recommendation

This Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissist

By Eleanor D. Payson, M.S.W.


If you have experienced Spiritual Abuse in a faith-based community, odds are high you’ve encountered Narcissism—that self-centered, it’s-all-about-me-and-my-vision, can’t be wrong, personality. You’ve may have even encountered someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (a very real, very serious, clinical condition).


As I encounter stories of Spiritual Abuse, I’ve yet to discover one that did not have narcissism as a key character, weaving his (or her) web throughout a tightly controlled system.


Eleanor Payson’s book, discusses NPD at length, breaking it down, giving guidelines for navigating this confusing relationship, and helping someone distinguish when it’s time to say goodbye. She also gives guidelines for choosing a good therapists, as not all therapists are equipped to help someone recovering in the aftermath of being in relationship with a Narcissist.


I resonated so much with what was revealed in this book. If you know a narcissist, you will, too.


I Have a Voice


This Week’s Book Recommendation