White Supremacy in the Church

The cold reality is, the only people I’ve heard say, “We’re not racists” and “We care about diversity” within faith-based communities, are white people.

 I haven’t heard that story from black people. And, since I’m in a position of privilege, I don’t get to make that call, either.

I’ll admit, I often don’t know what to do, what to say, or how to say it.

But I do know I need to say something. All throughout history, the Bible and God have been used to oppress non-white races.

And it’s still happening.

I once heard a white woman say, “Why are we focusing so much on diversity? If we believe the gospel, it will just naturally happen.”

So if it’s not naturally happening, we’re saying one of two things: Either it’s not true, or we don’t believe the gospel.

Melyssa Griffin compiled this list of resources for understanding racism. I’m working my way through it, contemplating my white privilege and fragility, and attempting to take my cue from the marginalized.




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