Three Podcast Episodes for Understanding Spiritual Abuse

I listened to these episodes from The Allender Center and was nodding my head furiously during each one. Though a person may not relate with every experience, these are helpful for recognizing and deconstructing the thought patterns developed in a spiritually abusive system.

 These are going in The Vault.

 Mind Control and Dogmatism in Spiritual Abuse – how the system reshapes the narrative and dictates how a person views the world.

 Suspicion and Loyalty in Spiritual Abuse – how the system encourages censure of all “outsiders” and promotes loyalty to the system above all else.

 Dissociation and Shame in Spiritual Abuse – how the system causes a person to question their own intrinsic defenses and shames a person into ignoring their body’s signals.

Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash


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