Most Popular Episodes from 2021

Here are the top episodes in season two from Uncertain podcast (Tears of Eden’s affiliate podcast). We are honored that the popularity of these episodes indicates our audience is interested in learning about abuse in churches. Please take a moment to share these episodes and make sure you are subscribed to the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Thank you for being a part of this community!


S2: E21 – Religious Trauma? Or Spiritual Abuse? with Brian Peck

We discuss the difference between Religious Trauma and Spiritual Abuse with Brian Peck from the Religious Trauma Institute.

S2:E13 - Wicked Pastor of the Midwest Part 1: Flying Monkeys with Kara Million & Abigail Harris

Everything was fine at Hope Presbyterian—then the lead pastor started behaving strangely toward Kara Million. Months later, she heard from Abigail Harris, another member of the church, that she’d experienced the same troubling behavior. Soon the two women—who both had been targets of the pastor’s sexual pursuits—realized this was a pattern…

S2:E12 When Shepherds Eat the Sheep with Aimee Byrd

On April 5th, Aimee Byrd wrote an Open Letter to the OPC on Abuse, addressing abuse in the OPC, specifically the way the leadership was handling it. This interview specifically addresses that letter and the abuse and public slandering Aimee experienced that led to her writing it.

S2:E1 - I Know About Abuse in My Church. Now What? with Julie Roys

Julie Roys is a journalist who has become a voice for victims by challenging injustice in Christian environments. She has a lot of experience reporting on situations of abuse in churches and was our guest this episode to advise those of us who want to come forward about abuse—we just don’t know how.




Survivor Story - Caitlin


What We Can Learn About Abusers from Game of Thrones Character Ramsay Bolton