Giving Tuesday, Thankful Tuesday

A year ago, Tears of Eden launched when the first three board members met for the very first time. There was excitement in the Zoom room, but also a lot of uncertainty. Not one of us had ever launched a nonprofit or even served on a board, but we knew this work was important. 

One year later, the podcast was in its second season. We’d held three focus groups to determine the needs of the people we were serving. We launched our first support group of survivors and we hosted our first Virtual Gala to raise funds to support the podcast and the work of Tears of Eden. 

Since the beginning, when this nonprofit was just a dream, we’ve spoken with hundreds of survivors of Spiritual Abuse from evangelical communities. More and more stories are surfacing in the news about horrendous abuse happening in institutional church communities. 

This is not an isolated problem. 

Tears of Eden exists to help survivors name their experience and provide community in the aftermath of abuse. While Spiritual Abuse is similar to other forms of psychological and emotional abuse, it has unique components due to the spiritual nature of the environment in which the abuse occurs. 

As we step into our second year as a nonprofit, we’re grateful for the tripping and stumbling and uncertainty of the first year. Thank you for joining us on this journey. 

Please enjoy this recording of our Virtual Gala. Please consider giving a financial gift in support of survivors of Spiritual Abuse. 

All donations are tax deductible. Donors who give a gift of $25 or more or a monthly donation of any amount will receive a special gift of some Tears of Eden swag, from Giving Tuesday through the End of December 2021. 


Spiritual Abuse in the Christian Patriarchy Movement


Was My Family a Cult?