Supporting survivors of Spiritual Abuse and Religious Trauma

Understanding and community in the aftermath of Spiritual Abuse
“The Uncertain podcast, Tears of Eden, RetreatCon2023 and all of Katherine’s work over the last years add up to a lot more than the sum of its parts. High impact. High integrity. It is one of the most solid, balanced and informed organizations that I know of in this field. I am cheering them on to continue strong and bold in their very effective endeavor of supporting and bringing hope to religious abuse survivors.”
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We’re a group of artists, current and former ministry workers, and mental health professionals. But most importantly, we’re survivors of Spiritual Abuse.
We know from research and experience the two most powerful engines on the other side of Spiritual Abuse are Community and Understanding. Community is being surrounded by people who can say, “I believe you,” and, “I’ve been there too.” Understanding is language and knowledge and the ability to name your experience. Whether you’ve been wounded, or you are seeking to understand Spiritual Abuse to prevent and help, you’re welcome here.
Here’s what it’s about...
What you will find.
A community of people who’ve been there, who know the subtle power of Spiritual Abuse. You’ll also find resources for understanding and recovery.
What you won’t find.
Overt religiocity. We know, if you’ve experienced Spiritual Abuse, it’s possible your view of God, the church, the Bible—all that—is in an uncertain place right now. We seek to keep our content free of “Christianese” and while we hope our work will lead to healthier churches, we don’t have any expectations for you on that subject.
Quick Glance
Participate in our growing community by joining an online support group.
the Uncertain Podcast explores difficult topics related to the church. Often topics no one talks about.
knowing how to name things gives us the power of understanding: both our own experience and the experience of others.